
Create React App (CRA) alternatives

· Milan Kovacic


In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, React has secured its place as a fundamental library for building user interfaces. For years, Create React App (CRA) served as the go-to starting point for React developers, offering a streamlined setup that allowed for quick project initiation with a set of sensible defaults. However, the development community has observed a notable shift as CRA has not received updates since 2022, essentially marking it as deprecated. This stagnation has propelled the search for more current and actively maintained alternatives that not only match but surpass the conveniences once offered by CRA.

Why Look for an Alternative?

The absence of recent updates to CRA underscores the need for alternatives that address modern development challenges:

  • Flexibility: The locked configuration in CRA, while beneficial for beginners, poses limitations for developers needing more control over their build and deployment processes.
  • Performance: As applications scale, the efficiency of the build and development server becomes crucial. Developers are in need of tools that can handle complex projects more adeptly.
  • Advanced Features: The demand for features like hot module replacement, server-side rendering, or static site generation grows as applications become more sophisticated, pushing beyond the capabilities of CRA.

Key Features to Consider in an Alternative

A suitable CRA alternative should offer a blend of performance, flexibility, and developer-friendly features:

  • Faster Build Times: Optimizations that reduce build and reload times are critical for maintaining developer productivity.
  • Support for Modern Web Technologies: Full support for TypeScript, ES6+, modern CSS, and hot module replacement should be standard.
  • Ease of Use: While offering advanced features, the tool should remain accessible, with a gentle learning curve similar to that of CRA.
  • Vibrant Ecosystem: A strong ecosystem ensures that developers have access to a wide array of plugins and integrations to extend their applications effortlessly.

Top Alternatives to Create React App

Vite: Emerging as a front-runner, Vite offers a fast development server and optimized build process by utilizing native ES modules. Its simplicity in setup and extensibility with plugins for React, Vue, and more make it an attractive option for those moving away from CRA.

Next.js: Next.js provides a comprehensive solution with support for server-side rendering (SSR), static site generation (SSG), and creating dynamic web applications. Its focus on performance and SEO-friendly features makes it ideal for more complex projects that require fine-tuned optimization.

Gatsby: Gatsby excels in building static websites and applications with React. It leverages a powerful data layer based on GraphQL, enabling developers to pull data from various sources. Gatsby’s emphasis on performance and SEO makes it suitable for content-heavy sites that need to rank well in search engines.

Remix: As a modern framework, Remix offers a balanced approach to building React applications, focusing on both client-side and server-side rendering. Its innovative strategies for handling data fetching and enhancing user experiences position it as a forward-thinking alternative for comprehensive web development.

Comparative Analysis

Reflecting on the need for an up-to-date toolset, a comparison of these alternatives highlights their suitability for modern projects:

  • Performance: Vite shines with its near-instant server start and hot module replacement. Next.js and Gatsby optimize for production with advanced bundling and lazy loading, while Remix offers optimized data fetching for faster load times.
  • Ease of Migration: Transitioning from CRA to Vite is relatively straightforward, thanks to Vite’s simplicity. Next.js and Gatsby may require more effort due to their more opinionated nature and focus on SSR and SSG, respectively. Remix, with its unique approach, presents a moderate learning curve.
  • Ecosystem and Community Support: Next.js boasts a robust ecosystem and strong community support, closely followed by Gatsby. Vite’s community is rapidly growing, and Remix is quickly establishing a dedicated following for its innovative approach.
  • Flexibility and Scalability: Next.js and Remix excel in flexibility, catering to a wide range of project types. Vite and Gatsby offer scalability, with Gatsby being particularly effective for static sites.

How to Choose the Right Alternative

The selection of an alternative to CRA should be guided by project-specific needs:

  • Application Type and Size: Static sites may lean towards Gatsby, while dynamic applications could benefit from Next.js or Remix.
  • Performance and SEO Requirements: Projects prioritizing SEO and performance might find Next.js or Gatsby more aligned with their goals.
  • Development Experience: For a balance of speed and ease of use, Vite and Remix are compelling choices.


The search for alternatives to Create React App reflects a broader trend in web development towards tools that can accommodate the growing complexity and performance expectations of modern web applications. As CRA moves towards deprecation with no updates since 2022, Vite, Next.js, Gatsby, and Remix stand out as leading solutions, each offering unique strengths from fast development cycles to advanced rendering capabilities. This evolution encourages developers to explore new possibilities, ensuring the React ecosystem remains vibrant and adaptable to future challenges.

Looking to migrate from Create React App, but need some expert guidance? Schedule a no-cost project discovery call.